
Friday, May 31, 2013


Root pressure is defined as hydrostatic pressure developed in the root due to accumulation of absorbed water. It the pressure exerted on the liquid contents of the cortical cells of the roots, under fully turgid condition this root pressure pushes the water up the xylem vessels to the aerial parts. It shows that water absorption is an active process.
Experiment on root pressure: The root pressure can be demonstrated in a plant by the following experiment.
Apparatus required: A well watered herbaceous plant, a knife, a rubber tube, a narrow glass tube and colored water.
Procedure: Water a potted herbaceous plant. Keep it over night. Next morning, cut off the stem a few centimeters above the soil level or near to the root. Fix a long and narrow glass tube to the cut end of the stump with the help of rubber tubing. Pour a little colored water in the glass tube and mark its level. The glass tube is connected to a manometer and whole setup is then left for observation.
Observation: After some time the level of the colored water rises in the tube. And rise in the level of the mercury of the manometer shows the measurement of root pressure.
Result and conclusion: A rise in the level of water in the glass tube is due to the pressure exerted by water exuded from the cut part of the stem.
The exuding of water from the cut end of the stem is called bleeding. The flow of water from the cut surface or bleeding when measured by mercury manometer is estimated to 3-5 atmospheres only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Demonstrated By:  Aditya and Bikash